Digitization? Who is doing it? How long does it take? How much does it cost?
Large companies and corporations have a huge staff of employees for this. Can and do SMEs- across all industries - afford this avalanche of costs?
With the ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER, we provide you with the "tools of trade" within days as if from a singele source".

We create with Excel in connection with
with each accounting system the respective individual reporting/controlling for immediate and long-term use, which reduces the fixed costs at the point where it "really hurts". We provide the "tools" for this.

This saves time, saves money and saves trouble.
The following content is the result of these elaborations for
immediate and long-term use:
*FLASH ANALÝSIS. Result and analysis 2021, presentation of the current liquidity situation, recommendations for consolidation.
* FUTURE CONCEPTION. Based on the findings to before. The contents of the file (Excel) are linked. The transfer of the actual values of the accounting for the execution of the monthly budget controls is carried out via the DATEV interface.

* PERFORMANCE STATUS. Determines whether the business activity "makes money".
If not, why?
Based on the aforementioned findings, is swift action required to safeguard the existence of necessary?
* CONSOLIDATION. Enforce deferments and installment payments, improve bank conditions, implement out-of-court settlements, reduce fixed costs, increase productivity through optimal use of available options.

You are optimally prepared for this immediately and in the long term:
+ Banking concept - stabilize creditworthiness, create liquidity, optimize conditions.
+ Consolidation - reduce liabilities, increase performance, reduce fixed costs.
+ Qualification offensive - in the company, for the company.

+ Involve partners - organize succession - avoid time-consuming discussions.
The documents required for the individual steps are listed under "Explanation of the process".
for the individual steps, as well as the time required and the costs.

Presentation of results 2021- Analysis - Recommendations for action
* Based on the accrued actual values of the accounting, work out the
Incorporate planned values of the remaining month.
* For this, the list of balances 2020, list of balances 2021 current and the respective
BWA required (Excel file to us).
* Presentation of the current liquidity situation (comparison of current assets
./. current liabilities).
* Recommendations for action based on the findings for the long-term stabilization
of the company on the market. This is the
- basis for the development of the 2022 earnings forecast.
- Conducting talks with banks and guarantors
- Implementation of measures for consolidation
Assuming that the above-mentioned documents are transferred to us quickly,
we will need one day for this.
Module 1 - Future conception - Controlling
* Consulting report (Word document)
* Current liquidity situation 2021
* Presentation of results (cumulative values) 2019
* Presentation of results (cumulative values) 2020
* Presentation of results (cumulative values) 2021
* Earnings forecast 2022
* Liquidity plan 2022
* Determination of break-even point (comparison 2021/2022)
* Determination of break-even point (comparison 2019/2022)
* Presentation of debt service
* Preparation of debt service statement
* Target comparison monthly 2022
* Target-actual comparison of accumulated cumulative values 2022
* Listing of private withdrawals (only for partnerships)
Time for this 4 days and handing over of the individually compiled ELECTRONIC
CONTROLLER - on data carrier, encrypted.
The procedure is described in detail under "Explanations on this...".
The Excel elements are from the result preview up to the target/actual comparisons
so that the monthly budget controls result automatically.
Module 2 - Performance status
In the performance status, we show whether the gross profit from operations is sufficient to service the fixed cost block.
It includes:
Listing of fixed costs and determination of necessary overhead (percentage).
Detailed presentation of work in progress, semi-finished products.
Determination of cost price per hour.
Actual hourly billing rates obtained from work performance.
The current and timely performance status provides information on whether things are running "smoothly" or whether there is a need for action in the operating business, in the fixed costs, the variable costs or in both areas. What use is it to the company and to potential lenders and guarantors to know what the value of the "work in progress" was at the end of the previous year?
We never leave you "out in the cold".
Via Teamviewer (the world's most widely used software program for remote maintenance) we can offer you support at any time during the following business hours.
Mon-Fri: 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 18:00.
The prerequisite for this is that you download the Teamviewer program via the website
As soon as you have installed Teamviewer, we can make changes or adjustments directly on the ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER - assuming you have given your consent - simply, quickly and efficiently!
The price for this is 1.50 EURO per minute or part thereof. A specialist staff trained by us is available, regarding the business as well as the technical processes.